Blog | In Good Company

Are You Ready To Rally?

Written by The Mom Project | May 12, 2020 2:00:00 PM

The Mom Project Community is like no other.

We are beyond fortunate to have over 250,000 talented women connected to us in meaningful ways. Day in and day out, we are blown away by the dedication, creativity, and kindness that we see from each and every one of you. 

📣You cheer each other on.

⭐You lift each other up.

💪You speak up on behalf of those who don't have a voice.

You are here for each other, and we are HERE. FOR. IT.

And thanks to the ✨magic✨ of all of you, we are proud to introduce...RALLY is a community-driven, peer-to-peer program designed to give you a space to connect for career advice. RALLY was created for you to connect with other Community gurus one-on-one to meet, teach, learn, and grow.

Navigating the choppy waters of a job search, a career change, a return to the paid workforce, or just working motherhood can be isolating and lonely. Wouldn't it be better with a wing-woman in your corner? 

Sound interesting? Click here to learn more and apply to be one of our inaugural RALLY matches. Whether you are looking for advice or have wisdom to share, there is a space for you here. 

We need to rally together now more than ever. What are you waiting for?