Grateful for our Community: A Mosaic of our #MomBosses Who Get it Done

Momma, YOU are a badass!”

This empowering quote was one of the hundreds we received from our Nominate a #MomBoss submissions. As part of the nomination, we asked for a favorite mom quote, and while each and every quote we read inspired us, this one captured the essence of all the nominations. Moms, you are doing great and smashing every challenge life throws your way. We are so grateful to have all of you as part of our community.

Hearing about so many hard-working, goal-achieving #MomBosses has been uplifting and energizing. To celebrate this magic and inspire you, we want to share some of our favorite quotes and moments from the nominations we received.

Doing it all without breaking a sweat

“Hayley takes her son to and from speech and OT, art and music therapy, all while juggling a full time career in tech sales where she absolutely knocks it out of the park every day. She is extremely successful because she is a REAL person, and shows others compassion and care.”

“Jamie is the epitome of a mom boss! Not only does she run a company across three states, with dozens of employees and hundreds of stakeholders, she is an involved, loving mother to two young girls. Jamie extends her mom'ing to her employees, supporting and encouraging their work-life balance.”

Proudly supporting our #Mombosses

Community is all about support, and it’s clear that the #MomBosses in our community have cheerleaders who lift them up, encourage them and are grateful for all that they do. We were humbled by the ways the #MomBosses inspire everyone in their lives.

“I just want to nominate Whitney because I'm proud of her and I want the world to know too.”


“Samantha continues to humble me every year, and is always doing the right things.”


“Emily is the best example I can find of someone who balances an accomplished career and a thriving family, and I'm so proud to have had a front seat to all of her success!"


“Julie is a model for us all, a model for how we can prioritize everything without giving up anything.”

Words to live by

We asked the moms and those nominating them to share their favorite quote or piece of advice, and we absolutely loved the answers we received. A few of our favorites:

The very fact that you worry about being a good mom means that you are one.”

- Jodi Picoult

"If you have the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed."

- David Viscott

“Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.”

- Maya Angelou

And a few words in the words of our moms:

“Be kind to yourself. Love on your baby and enjoy the small moments!”

- Jamie in North Carolina

"Give yourself grace, your 'failure' is somebody else’s 'never tried."

- Jessica in Kentucky

Finally, we’ll leave you with some wise words from one of our nominees — Diana, we couldn’t have said it better ourselves!

"You are doing enough.” - Diana in California

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