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All Things The Comeback

By Kirsten Squires on January 10, 2023

Let 2023 be the year you realize your full potential. Are you ready to build the career you were always meant to have? Join The Mom Project for our...

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6 Ways to Banish Burnout

By Kirsten Squires on December 19, 2022

When life gets busy, stress can take its toll. And there’s no one who understands being busy better than a working mom. Over time, the constant...

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Flexibility in the Future: Why 2023 Needs to Be a Win for Working Parents

By Kirsten Squires on December 15, 2022

Flexibility is top of mind for companies and employees lately — but for Werklabs, it has been a crucial topic for years. Since 2017, Werklabs has...

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mPower Hour: Preparing for the Future You With Grainger

By Kirsten Squires on December 12, 2022

Have you thought about your five-year plan? There’s a lot to consider when planning your career goals, from how you’ll advance and salary needs to...

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The Mom Project + Qualifi are in the spirit of giving!

By Katie Klimowich on December 8, 2022

As we close out 2022 and set our sights on 2023, New Year’s Resolutions are top of mind. One resolution for some is to find a new career opportunity...

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