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Returning to Work After 40 / Parents Pivot

By Kirsten Squires on October 31, 2022

Ageism is a concern for many in the workforce, but it can be especially demoralizing for -moms and parents who are returning to paid work after a...

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The Journey to 1 Million Moms

By Kirsten Squires on October 24, 2022

We’ve come a long way, mamas (and dads and allies)! From our humble beginnings in 2018 to a community of 1 million strong, The Mom Project has...

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Ushering in a New Era…and a New President! Meet Saana Rapakko Hunt

By The Mom Project on October 24, 2022

This year, at The Mom Project, we have welcomed a flurry of exciting changes. Between unveiling a new brand and reaching 1 million moms, dads, and...

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Unlocking the Potential of Parents in the Contingent Workforce: Highlights from a Werklabs + SIA Report

By Allison Robinson on October 18, 2022

At The Mom Project, we have long believed that work should work for everyone. Over the years, we've helped countless moms and caregivers find...

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The Flexibility Advantage: A New Framework for Flexible Work That…Works

By The Mom Project on October 18, 2022

Flexibility has been a hot button issue since the pandemic transformed the way we work. Many companies that had never considered flexible work...

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Celebrating the Best #MomBoss of All: Yourself

By The Mom Project on October 11, 2022

At The Mom Project, we celebrate moms and their amazing accomplishments each and every day. It’s at the core of who we are as a company. So, in honor...

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